How to pronounce "Chincoteague"


Folks have asked... So we made this, with the help of some vacationers and 'Teaguers!

Watch How to Pronounce Chincoteague on Youtube

We went around asking people how they say it, without saying "Chincoteague" ourselves, because of course that would influence their pronunciation.

Here's what we learned.

Shink over Chink

The general consensus, especially among locals, was that the Ch in Chincoteague is actually pronounced like an Sh - shink, not chink.

Emphasize the first syllable

There was also a consensus that the first syllable should be emphasized - so it's SHINK-uh-teeg rather than shink-uh-TEEG or shink-UH-teeg.

Tig or Teeg?

People seemed divided over tig vs. teeg. In general, however, the locals seemed to favor tig.

Other pronunciations

With over 140,000 views and almost 2,000 shares, there was a lively discussion surrounding our video on Facebook. Here are some of the alternative pronunciations and other nicknames that people shared.


“Some of them clearly said “chink,” not “shink.” When I grew up there, there were different dialects. East siders didn’t sound like up the neckers or down the marshers. Back in my ancient history, some said “Shank-tig.”” – Ross D.

The Tump

“ You know you’re from the Shore when you just say “The Tump” instead!” — Bill T.

Teaguers / Tiggers

“So is “teaguers” pronounced “tiggers”?? It is, in fact, pronounced “tiggers,” at least by the locals.” — Rebecca H. & Lauren C.

Chicken Teeth

“Friends of ours came to visit a few years back...their son who was 4 at the time called it Chicken Teeth. 😂” — Sandy B.

Where should we go next?

“Onancock, Assawoman and then Wachapreague. Heck, anywhere on the Eastern Shore in Virginia!” — Alisha K.