💥 Explosion-Powered Chariots
5 min read

💥 Explosion-Powered Chariots

💥 Explosion-Powered Chariots

It's 2023. Bit by bit, the days are getting longer again. Welcome to winter's issue of This Mortal Portal, and Happy New Year!

I've been living, even more than usual, in the land of poetry.

The third volume of HUM poems is so close to ready that I dragged my feet sending this newsletter, hoping to include the buy link. [Update: it's now live.] I'm the editor of the series, and I feel a kind of fatherly pride about it. It gives me great joy to encourage a "tough guy," fresh off the streets, to put his heart on a page.

I've also found myself writing in verse more often, about anything and everything. To wit: my latest poem is a meditation on car wrecks.

Last month, a car struck a light pole on Cold Spring, the major artery that runs along the south edge of our block. They were going so fast, they went right through the pole and demolished our neighbor's yard and porch. It got me reflecting on my conflicted relationship with our explosion-powered chariots.

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